Locations (14)
County Mask (6)
Developments (5)
Golf Course Holes (11)
| Hole |
| Tee |
Golf Cart Paths (9)
Golf Course Greens (4)
Golf Course Parcels (3)
HiRes Imagery Boundary (2)
Locations (10)
| Airport |
| Animal Shelter |
| Bus Stop |
| Campground |
| Cemetery |
| Commerce / Commercial |
| Community |
| Community Center |
| Concession Stand |
| Courthouse |
| Emergency Services |
| Energy |
| Fish Hatchery |
| Health and Human Services |
| Hospital |
| Intersection |
| Landmark |
| Library |
| Lodging |
| Marina / Boat Launch |
| Medical Services |
| Museum |
| Other |
| Pack Station |
| Park |
| Picnic Area |
| Point of Interest |
| Post Office |
| RV Park |
| Recreation Site |
| Reference Photo |
| Resort |
| Rest Stop |
| School |
| Ski Area |
| Staging Area |
| Trailhead |
| View Point |
| Visitor Center / Information |
| <all other values> |
Mammoth Multi Use Paths (8)
| Multi-Use path |
| Sidewalk |
| <all other values> |
Ownership Blocks (13)
| Inyo National Forest |
| Toiyabe National Forest |
| Bureau of Land Management |
| Other Federal Land |
| Town of Mammoth Lakes |
| Mono County |
| Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power |
| Southern California Edison |
| State of California |
| California Parks & Recreation |
| Private Ownership |
| Fire Districts |
| Other Utilities |
| School Districts |
| Special Districts |
| Water Districts |
ROWs 911 Map (0)
State Line (7)